Company Information
Ben Tayton and Alex Dresch met while studying for a degree in product design at Coventry University. After graduating from University, the duo spent months researching and preparing to launch an app based on storing all the information users would want before planning a night out. The best clubs, pubs, bars and entertainment venues post their listings, deals and promotions so that users can download the free Onitt app from the App Store.Once the name had been agreed upon, the 23-year-olds focused on learning all the different elements of running a business.
They spoke to Alan Malin at the West Midlands Incubation Programme to gain business advice and mentoring and he mentioned the funding opportunities and advice available through the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Deal. Ben and Alex contacted Suzi Archer, the project manager for Business Innovation at the Growth Hub, and she helped them apply for a £6,000 Business Innovation grant which paid for outsourcing the backend coding element of the app.
The plan
Ben and Alex decided to concentrate on launching the app exclusively to Coventry since it is a city they know well and a suitable city size to manage in the first instance. Venues are able to upload the details of their upcoming events, exclusive offers and promotions directly to the Onitt app to speed up the process which is particularly useful for late additions to their entertainment calendars.
Ben and Alex have utilised their combined expertise of design and marketing but have made the most of the services offered by the Growth Hub to learn more about running a start-up business as well as bringing in experts with the £6,000 grant for specific elements to turn their ideas into a fully-fledged app. They have also joined the SPEED Plus project, which gives students, graduates and alumni of Coventry University the opportunity to develop a business idea alongside their studies or after graduation.
The Results
The Onitt app was launched in September 2014 and around 1,000 users downloaded the app in the initial seven weeks. The launch app is the tip of the iceberg since further additions will be made to make it slicker, more fun and interactive before the start of 2015. After concentrating on Coventry’s nightlife, Ben and Alex are hoping to extend the Onitt app to major university cities such as Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Cardiff and Newcastle in the future.
Alex said: “The most difficult aspect so far was coming up with the name. It took us five months! “There are so many factors to the app that we found it difficult to sum it up. The phrase ‘Are you on it?’ and ‘Let’s get on it!’ is used by one of our mates before he goes on a night out and we thought people in our target audience would understand the sentiment.”
Ben added: “Setting up a business has been a learning curve and we are still learning. “The financial help and advice from Suzi has been vital in launching the app because we weren’t aware of the support that is available to help startup companies like ourselves.”
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Email: support@cwgrowthhub.co.uk
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