Tuesday, 21 June, 2022 - 09:00 to 16:30
The Big Zero Show
futureNetZero.com would like to invite you and your colleagues to attend the largest upcoming net zero event in the UK: The Big Zero Show
Join us on 21st June in Coventry and listen to expert speakers from industry leading companies, such as TalkTalk, Tesco, NatWest, BAM UK&I, Octopus Electric Vehicles and many more - plus you can network with 500+ of your fellow industry professionals and discover new tools to get you to net zero.
To be added to the list, please register here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-big-zero-show-tickets-243510836467. There is no cost for entry.
At the conference you will be able to listen to and question leading industry experts and engage in net zero sessions, including:
- 30 content sessions, covering Renewables, Data & Carbon Management, Financing Net Zero, EVs & Storage, Heat and Carbon Reduction.
- The Net Zero Heroes - experts for you to spend time with.
- Speakers from companies like Tesco, NatWest, Talk Talk, SSE Energy Solutions, Shell Energy, Coventry Building Society, BAM Nuttall to mention just a few.
Join us on the day and learn to cut more carbon, do good and grow your business!
If you have any questions about the event, please email harry.matyjaszek@futurenetzero.com.
Request your place
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