Thursday, 28 April, 2022 - 17:00 to 19:00
The Enterprise Showcase
An exciting online event to support local business through buying unusual gifts or services and hear how they launched their companies. You Might even get inspired to launch your own business!
We invite you to an Online Young Entrepreneur Showcase, you are welcome to attend the whole event, or check out the links below, to hear about the young entrepreneurs attending this wonderful event. Find out about their businesses, buy unusual gifts or services and hear how they launched their companies.
Get in touch with our young entrepreneurs. Click on their names to find out more.
Gretel's Metals - Handmade high quality jewellery
Midnightawl Bindery - Bespoke binders and books
The Crafty Brum - Intricate artwork and prints
The Yellow Windmill - Eco friendly costal-inspired stationery
Sanaa Gift shop - Black and minority representation through gift wrap, mugs etc
Sidekick support - Anti bullying and mental health support
To find out more and sign up Email Jordan.Fretwell@princes-trust.org.uk
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EmailMade Smarter WM
Made Smarter is a national movement to drive growth amongst UK makers and advance the UK economy. Backed by world renowned businesses and the UK government, it will improve the development and adoption of emerging technologies. Making a real, everyday difference to people from the boardroom to the factory floor.
Looking for work, or have vacancies to fill?
CW Employment Solutions offers a service for job seekers and employers, recruiters and education leavers, to connect, find jobs, post vacancies and access the wealth of support measures that have been implemented across the region.
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Email: support@cwgrowthhub.co.uk
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