Wednesday, 6 March, 2019 - 18:00 to 20:00
#FSBConnect Stratford 'First Wednesday'
#FSBConnect Stratford First Wednesday
This is your chance to join fellow business owners and entrepreneurs to chat over a drink
after work in a friendly, informal environment
The next event is Wednesday 2 January from 6pm util 8pm
at El Greco (Upstairs Bar Area) 27 Rother Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6NE
In addition, FSB representatives will be on hand to talk to you about ensuring that you get the most from your FSB membership. Of course there will be time to mingle and circulate with your promotional literature and those all-important business cards!
We look forward to welcoming you! Don’t forget to download our Business Networking -10 top tips
For general enquiries regarding the event, please contact Elanor.Godbold@fsb.org.uk
Request your place
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Made Smarter is a national movement to drive growth amongst UK makers and advance the UK economy. Backed by world renowned businesses and the UK government, it will improve the development and adoption of emerging technologies. Making a real, everyday difference to people from the boardroom to the factory floor.
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