Wednesday, 28 November, 2018 - 16:00 to 18:00
Fully Funded Technology Supply Chain- Talk, Tour and Networking
This is your invitation to join the Technology Supply Chain. This exciting new innovation is aimed at helping the West Midlands take its rightful place as the leading manufacturing, engineering and technology community in the UK.
This is an open invitation to SMEs across the West Midlands. We are looking for manufacturing, engineering and technology companies and those who supply to them including:
- Professional service providers- such as accountants and solicitors
- Finance providers including funding experts
- Business consultants and advisors
- IT companies and consultancies
- Marketing, PR, Branding and social media compaines
- Non-Exec Directors
- Recruitment specialists
- Architects and designers
- Industrial electricians and installers
- The list goes on.
The supply chain only has room for 2 suppliers from each industry, e.g. 2 accountants, 2 recruiters, 2 Non Exec Directors etc. We will be discussing the benefits of joining the Technology Supply Chain and how Aston University will support your company in understanding new technologies and engaging with new clients and suppliers.
We will be taking applications on the day- so please come long to find out more. Once the places in the Technology Supply Chain have gone, they’re gone and we expect them to go fast.
We have two amazing guest speakers for you- Rob Almond and Charlie Foster from the Manufacturing Technology Centre.
The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) was established in 2010 as an independent Research & Technology Organisation (RTO) with the objective of bridging the gap between academia and industry. It represents one of the largest public sector investments in UK manufacturing and has gone from 44 staff in 2011 to 700 today. They work with everyone from Rolls Royce and Sainsbury's to small businesses and start-ups.
You will also get a tour of thier amazing facility where they build airplane wings with robots, 3-D print car engines, demonstrate prototypes in Virtual Reality and have a factory in a box.
Places are limited to 50 so book your place today!
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Made Smarter is a national movement to drive growth amongst UK makers and advance the UK economy. Backed by world renowned businesses and the UK government, it will improve the development and adoption of emerging technologies. Making a real, everyday difference to people from the boardroom to the factory floor.
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