Tuesday, 14 March, 2017 - 16:00 to 17:00
Midlands Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Network
Be part of Birmingham and the Midlands becoming leaders in the Hydrogen economy and learn how the region can benefit from the investment, jobs and profile from this exciting developing sector.
Chair: Dr Michaela Kendall
Co Founder Adelan Ltd
Cllr Lisa Trickett – Cabinet Member for Cleaning Streets Recycling & Environment
Birmingham City Council
Matthew Rhodes – Chair West Midlands Energy Capital & Director Greater
Birmingham & Solihull LEP
Mike Waters – TfWM Head of Policy and Strategy
West Midlands Combined Authority
Prof John Jostins
Founder Microcab Ltd
To book your FREE place contact Tony McNally
024 76 217746
Aims of the Network
* Create a network to support the development of the Midlands Hydrogen economy
* Ensure the region is a leader in this technology maximising the potential benefits for local business and academia in terms of new partnerships, sales, manufacturing, investment & jobs
* Give the region added profile and status to ensure maximum inward investment and enhance the ability to attract grants for research and demonstration trials
* Develop an events programme linked to the annual conference to raise H & FC awareness – co-ordinating with the London and Scottish regional groups and other stakeholders
* Provide gateway technical advice for implementing local hydrogen infrastructure & supply chain
* Use this technology to help address air quality issues plus global climate change
* Collaborate locally to form a coherent, supportive group
* Complement the UK’s leading Commercial and Technical Hydrogen and Fuel Cell conferences which are both held in the region
* Produce a mobile exhibition showcasing the benefits of hydrogen and fuel cell technolgoies and successful business applications
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