Wednesday, 30 January, 2019 - 09:00 to 13:00
Ocean plastic solutions - consortium building workshop
Join the Black Country Growth Hub at this free seminar and lunch event to find out about a generous new funding call for tackling plastic pollution, and to network with potential collaborators, on 30th January in West Bromwich.
The Ocean Plastic Investment Accelerator competition can provide up to 100% funding through a grant and private investment from Sky Ocean Ventures for early stage projects led by UK companies. The grant funding is provided by Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation. For innovations that are closer to market, the grant element reduces slightly. You can read all the details on the competition page (make sure you read all of the tabs).
Up to £1 million of grant funding and £1 million of private investment is available to support business-led innovation. This is to develop solutions that tackle the environmental crisis of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans.
The competition is open to single UK small (with fewer than 50 employees) and micro companies who are looking for grant funding and who want to establish an equity relationship with Sky Ocean Ventures.
The UK Circular Plastics Network is pleased to support this event and Sally Beken of the KTN (and lead for the UK Circular Plastics Network) will be explaining how to apply for the funding and giving further insight into the current government activities in plastic focussed programmes.
This is an ERDF supported event, run as part of the AIM for the Black Country programme.
There is no car parking available immediately outside the venue. However, it is adjacent to West Bromwich Central tram stop on the Midland Metro line, and there are several public pay & display car parks in close proximity.
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