Wednesday, 8 February, 2017 - 18:15 to 21:15
Polymer Innovation Network
The Polymer Innovation Network (PIN) is a unique networking group, managed by the WMG SME Group for the plastics industry and is based at the cutting edge International Institute for Product and Service Innovation. The group meets three times per year at an evening event, which is themed. Each event has three presentations from academics and industry figures and includes networking, opportunities to give "hot shot" pitches, and food. As a member of the group you can:
Discover the latest materials research from WMG, University of Warwick, and other institutions
Find out about current industry trends and future technologies
Meet and collaborate with likeminded businesses
Develop business opportunities
Discover funding opportunities and new initiatives in the Plastics industry
To date, we have had six events covering diverse subjects such as polymer processing, polymers in transport, and polymers with novel functionality.
Our PIN events for 2016, will be held on 8th February, 20th April, and 12th October. Details can be found on the WMG events calendar.
Join the group by emailing wmgsme@warwick.ac.uk and contact us if you would like to speak at a future event.
Request your place
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