Wednesday, 28 November, 2018 - 07:30 to 10:30
Success & Opportunities for Supporting Your Business
This event is for small and medium sized enterprises to learn about current and future business support opportunities including funding in 2019 and onwards. With a rise in large scale developments including City of Culture 2021, the new National Battery Development Centre, and City Centre South, now is the time for YOUR business to grow and expand.
Over the last three years, there has been an investment of over £10 million through the European Regional Development Fund into business support services to enable growth and innovation amongst Coventry & Warwickshire businesses. To hear about the successes of how this investment has benefitted local businesses, and opportunities for how your business could benefit from support that will be delivered in the future, book your place now for this event on 28th November 2018.
Speakers will include small and medium sized businesses who will discuss the support provided through the European Regional Development Fund and how their business has thrived as a result. Hear their stories and be inspired.
If you would like any further information, please contact Clare.Ireland@coventry.gov.uk
Booking can be done here: https://cwbf2018.ticketleap.com/success--opportunities-for-supporting-your-business/dates/Nov-28-2018_at_0730AM
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