Thursday, 31 January, 2019 - 08:00 to 13:00
West Midlands Process Monitoring Workshop
Manufacturing processes and experiments are subject to external and internal processing controls which may play an important role in the relative success of the manufacturing route. Internal processing variables (such as component temperature, tool temperature, speed of deformation and location) and external processing variables (such as environmental temperature, sound / vibrations and moisture) can play an important factor in determining whether a manufacturing route produces a component within tolerance, or whether any defects have been induced during the processing operation.
This event is aimed at SMEs Based in the West Midlands. As such, the University of Birmingham is running an ERDF-funded Process Monitoring Workshop for SME businesses, to demonstrate the methods and kit that can be used to monitor components, tooling or the environment during manufacturing. Over the duration of the workshop, you can get hands-on practical experience of the following activities:
- Using a high-speed camera to analyse a rapid processing / manufacturing route
- Contactless thermal monitoring (thermal imaging camera and an IR thermometer)
- Using a thermocouple probe and data-logger
- Operating laser sensors to determine position and movement through-process
- Vibration analysis using accelerometers
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