Wednesday, 10 October, 2018 - 07:00 to 08:30
Southam Business Forum
Held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
* 7.15am Arrivals and tea/coffee
* 7.40am Welcome, presentation on latest developments at Southam College, from head teacher Mr Samra
* 7.50am Presentation on how Southam College engages with local employers by Andy Hughes ( Careers adviser)
* 8.00am Breakfast & Networking opportunity
* 8.30am Depart
Come and join us for this monthly business forum which is open to businesses of all types and sizes located in Southam and the surrounding area. It aims to inspire and motivate you whilst offering an opportunity to promote your business, network and build local business relationships.
This month we once again have an opportunity to visit our Partners at Southam College, exploring how we can work together with the college and their students for the better of the community.
Parking is available free of charge in Wood Street Car Park. The Gateway footpath at the back left corner of the carpark takes you straight through to the church building.
Feel free to bring marketing literature or business cards to display on the leaflet table.
Tickets: £8 when booked online (pre-booked tickets to pay on the door for the time being). Those who have not pre-booked online will be charged £10 on the door. (Ticket to include refreshments & breakfast.)
Request your place
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Made Smarter is a national movement to drive growth amongst UK makers and advance the UK economy. Backed by world renowned businesses and the UK government, it will improve the development and adoption of emerging technologies. Making a real, everyday difference to people from the boardroom to the factory floor.
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