Wednesday, 6 March, 2019 - 07:00 to 08:45
#FSBConnect Coventry First Wednesday Networking Breakfast
#FSBConnect Coventry Networking Breakfast
Your opportunity to network and effectively develop and grow your business.
Events are held at 7am on the first Wednesday of each month.
The next event is on: Wednesday 2 January 2018
Just £10 including an English Breakfast and VAT, payable in advance online.
All welcome so why not bring a friend/colleague?
Join fellow business owners and entrepreneurs over breakfast in a friendly, informal environment at The Ramada Hotel, Coventry, CV1 3GG.
Attendees will each be given a minute to promote their business and hear others do the same, all in a supportive, unpressured environment.
In addition, FSB representatives will be on hand to talk to you about ensuring you get the most from your FSB membership and of course time to mingle and circulate with your promotional literature and those all-important business cards!
There will also be an opportunity for one attendee at each event to talk to the whole room about their business for 10 minutes
Contact Elanor.Godbold@fsb.org.uk for information
The FSB Events Privacy Policy can be found online here.
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