Wednesday, 27 February, 2019 - 09:30 to 16:30
Vehicle and Grid Seminar
Road transportation accounts for roughly one-third of the UK energy usage thus the migration of some or potentially all of this energy usage from liquid to electrical networks will have major implications on the electrical power supply industry. To date, opinion on the impact of future “more electric” vehicles on the UK electrical power supply network varies from a minimal to major disruption.
The focus of this meeting is to investigate these issues. While there have been many vehicle-to-grid (V2G) seminars discussing the potential schemes and equipment to support future more electric systems, this meeting aims to explore the fundamental technical, economic and societal challenges to be addressed and to explore pathway requirements should the UK move to a high percentage of more electric vehicles in the near future.
- 09:30 Registration, tea/coffee and networking
- 10:00 Setting the Scene (Prof. Nigel Schofield, University of Huddersfield, UK.)
- 10:20 “Energy networks – the enabler, not the barrier” (Graeme Cooper, Project Director - Electric Vehicles, National Grid)
- 10:50 Automotive speaker (TBC)
- 11:20 Are we ready for electric cars? (Prof. Averil Macdonald OBE, Emeritus Professor University of Reading.)
- 11:50 General Q&A for morning session (All morning speakers)
- 12:00 Lunch and networking break
- 13:00 “The changing shape of the EV Fleet Industry” (Bernard Magee, Head of Strategy & Marketing – Power Networks, Siemens)
- 13:30 Our electrical networks readiness for Electric Vehicles (Vandad Hamidi, Market Director, Electrical Networks (Transmission & Distribution), W S Atkins.)
- 14:00 Electric Nation - Understanding Domestic Charging (Ricky Duke, Innovation & Low Carbon Network Engineer, Western Power Distribution.)
- 14:30 Tea, coffee and networking break
- 15:00 Smart Hubs - An integrated solution for EV Charging, Solar Power and Energy Storage. (Simon Terry, Principal Consultant, Ricardo.)
- 15:30 The business case for the integration of electric vehicles and electrical power grids: a UK and Chinese case study. (Keith McCabe, Chief Executive Officer, Simplifai Systems.)
- 16:00 Round table discussion (All speakers)
- 16:30 Close
Reasons to Attend:
- It is a hot topic in both the Automotive, Aerospace and Electrical Power subject areas, together wide a wider societal interest, i.e. governmental and public bodies.
- Knowledge sharing
- Networking with peers
Continuing Professional Development:
- This event can contribute towards your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) as part of the IET's CPD monitoring scheme.
- Member - £40.00
- Non Member - £65.00
- Student Registration - £15.00
- Retired Registration - £15.00
- Please note that prices are exclusive of VAT.
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