Monday, 25 November, 2019 - 07:30 to 15:00
FSB Business Bootcamp 2019
The Federation of Small Businesses' Bootcamp, this year sponsored by Coombe Abbey, is returning to Coventry this November.
It will be hosted by Dave Sharpe, International MC & BBC Broadcaster.
We have designed this year's Business Bootcamp to benefit entrepreneurs, the self-employed and small businesses from across the Midlands.
On offer is:
- a free-to-attend business networking breakfast, which gives you the opportunity to network with local businesses. Complimentary breakfast included.
- a free-to-attend Bootcamp. The morning's theme is All about you:wellbeing, self-care and promoting your personal brand. The afternoon's theme is All about your business: how to develop and grow your firm.
- a free-to-attend facilitated speed networking session
- complimentary lunch
Join us at one part of the event or all of it - as per the below descriptions and the ticket options
Would you like to exhibit at this event?
There is also the opportunity to hold an exhibition stand (£75+VAT and booking fees) or a pop-up banner stand (£30+VAT and booking fees).
If you are interested in exhibiting at this event, email elanor.godbold@fsb.org.uk. Spaces are very limited, so book yours now.
Free-to-attend (includes breakfast, sponsored by Coombe Abbey) - come and meet other local business owners and entrepreneurs, whilst hearing a talk from our keynote speaker.
Our keynote speaker is Trish Willets, Director of the Coventry Business Improvement District. She will talk to us about business opportunities in and around Coventry.
BOOTCAMP: 9.45am - 12pm / 1pm - 3pm
Free-to-attend (includes complimentary tea and coffee, sponsored by Coombe Abbey)
The Bootcamp will feature seminars from various experts in business:
9.45am - 12pm - All about you: Includes a break, with complimentary drinks, provided by Coombe Abbey.
Looking after you: Wellbeing and Healthy Living: Taruna Chauhan - Business Consultant and Mentor
Self Care: Holly Matthews - Self-Development Coach & Founder of the Happy Me Project
10.40-11am: Break
Power Up Your Personal Brand: Sandra Garlick - Founder Woman Who. Includes the launch of the Woman Who...Achieves Awards 2020
Entrepreneur Panel: Rob Harrison (Glued Ltd), Emma Heathcote-James (Little Soap Company), Joanne Williams (Joco), and Rich Bishop (Entrepreneur).
1pm - 3pm: All about your business: Includes a break, with complimentary drinks, provided by the venue.
Networking: Sue Tonks - Founder of HydroVeg Kits
Sales: Jules White - Sales Coach and Author, Dragon's Den winner
1.40-2pm Break
Social Media: Ian O'Donnell MBE - Online Marketing Expert and MD of Real Point Design
PR: Alan Soady, Head of Media at FSB.
12-1pm Complimentary lunch will be provided, sponsored by Coombe Abbey.
12.30-1pm Speed networking
You must register for the facilitated speed networking, as places are limited. The speed networking will be facilitated by Sue Tonks.
- Networking business breakfast (including catering) - FREE
- Business Bootcamp (including tea/coffee and lunch) - FREE
- Speed networking session - FREE
- Exhibition stands - £75 + VAT
- Pop-up stands - £30 + VAT
Contact elanor.godbold@fsb.org.uk for general event information. A limited number of half-page adverts will be available in the event brochure; email elanor.godbold@fsb.org.uk for more information.
If you wish to hold your own event at Coombe Abbey, visit www.coombeabbey.com
Request your place
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