Tuesday, 10 December, 2024 - 11:00 to 12:00
Unlock Europe: Top tips for understanding VAT in Europe
Join tax experts SimplyVAT in this session which will support your understanding of VAT implications when trading with Europe.
What you’ll learn
- how to be tax compliant when selling into Europe
- become confident on the steps and requirements you need to take
- top tips and how-tos on VAT
This webinar will enable you to confidently export to Europe by demystifying the most common VAT implications for you and your customers. Sonja from tax experts SimplyVAT will explain what steps, procedures, and requirements you should follow to be tax compliant when exporting, physically and digitally, goods and/or services, to Europe.
Sonja Quinn - Process and Training Manager, SimplyVAT
Sonja delivers training for businesses to help them understand VAT processes.
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