Council works with partners to inspect the safety of the District’s licensed vehicles
Warwick District Council, working in partnership with the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) and Warwickshire Police, recently carried out inspections of the District’s private hire vehicles.
A total of 48 licensed vehicles were inspected to ensure they were safe and legal. In addition, vehicles that are approved to carry passengers in wheelchairs were inspected to ensure that not only were they safe, but that the driver was confident in supporting wheelchair users to access the vehicle. Local healthcare company Wenmans, based in Barford, kindly provided a wheelchair for free as part of the operation.
The inspections did find a small number of vehicles to be at fault, with immediate action taken by the Council and its partners to remove the vehicles from the road.
- One vehicle with tyre tread below minimum and defective break light – vehicle immediately prohibited, and driver issued with traffic offence notice.
- One vehicle with cords exposed on two tyres – vehicle immediately prohibited, and driver issued with traffic offence notice.
- One vehicle with defective breaks – vehicle immediately prohibited, and driver issued with traffic offence notice.
- One driver was also breathalysed after alcohol was found in the rear of the vehicle. The driver blew zero.
- Three further vehicles were also issued delayed prohibition notices by DVSA meaning they have 10 days to rectify the issue and present for another MOT.
- Of the remaining 42 vehicles 10 had minor licensing infringements which will be followed up by Licensing officers.
As part of the Council’s conduct scheme, there will also be an impact on some vehicle owners in the way of conduct points and a referral to a Licensing and Regulatory Panel.
Councillor Jim Sinnott, Portfolio Holder for Safer, Healthier and Active Communities, said: “I would like to express my thanks to the Council’s Licensing team, the DVSA and Warwickshire Police for carrying out this essential activity. Taxi drivers play an important role in providing transport to those that need it, so it’s vital that they keep their vehicles safe and legal, protecting both their passengers and the wider community. We’d like to thank all 48 private hire vehicles drivers for coming to their inspection, to ensure high safety standards.
“The Council takes its licensing responsibilities seriously and will not hesitate to take action to guarantee the public’s safety.”