Public asked for their views on interpretation of historic site

The team behind the project that will see the restoration of the Master’s House and St Michael’s Chapel in Saltisford, Warwick is asking for the views of the public on the future interpretation of the historic site.

West Midlands Historic Building Trust is working in partnership with Warwick District Council to sympathetically redevelop the two remaining buildings for residential use, but also want to ensure that the history and significance of the scheduled ancient monument, previously the Saltisford Leper Hospital is easy to access by all.

Councillor Chris King, Portfolio Holder for Place at Warwick District Council commented:

“Dating back to 1275 St Michael’s is one of only three remaining leper hospital sites in the country, it is therefore vitally important that its history is preserved for future generations. I therefore encourage local people have their say on how this can be achieved by taking part in the WMHBT survey.”

The St Michael’s Place survey can be completed online by visiting St Michael's Place Consultation Survey (

Local residents will also get the chance to learn more about the plans to rescue the Master’s House and St Micheal’s Chapel at an information event to be held at the Saltisford Canal Centre, Budbrooke Road, Warwick from 1.30pm to 4pm on Thursday 12 September as part of the district’s Heritage Open Days festival.

The St Michael’s Place project was awarded £40,000 by Historic England in 2023 to facilitate the specialist archaeological investigations on the site. Further funding of £138,838 has been given by players of the National Lottery to support the development of the historic interpretation programme.